Applications for the 2025 prize are now open. Apply by March 28, 2025
The annual Visiting Committee Prize for Undergraduate Book Collecting competition is open to all currently enrolled undergraduates at Harvard. The prize recognizes the efforts of students who collect books and encourages others to start collecting.
Winners will be awarded cash prizes up to $3,000 and are invited to exhibit their collections in the library.
How to Apply
Eligible collections may be of any kind — author, subject, illustrators, etc.— and any undergraduate who is currently enrolled at Harvard is encouraged to apply.
Application Materials
- An essay of 1,000 - 1,500 words stating the purpose of the collection, how the collection began, how and where the items were collected, highlights of the collection, principles for focusing the collection, and how the contestant envisions the collection will evolve.
- An annotated list or bibliography of at least 20 items in the collection, selected to illustrate its nature. The bibliography may include images of physical details which the collector considers reflect special properties.
- A list of ten items which the contestant would like to add to the collection with a brief explanation of why.
Email your application to by March 28th, 2025 to Odile Harter :
Application deadline
March 28, 2025
- First prize: $3,000
- Second prize: $1,500
- Third prize: $750
About the Undergraduate Book Collecting Prize
The Visiting Committee Prize for Undergraduate Book Collecting was established in 1977 to recognize and encourage book collecting by undergraduates at Harvard. It is sponsored by the members of the Board of Overseers’ Committee to Visit the Harvard Library.
The first prize winner(s) will be eligible to compete in the National Collegiate Book Collecting Contest.
- To be eligible, collections must be personally owned and formed by the contestant.
- Submissions generated in whole or in part using generative artificial intelligence will not be considered.
- Collections may be of any kind, whether they deal with authors, subjects, kinds of books, bindings, illustrations, printing processes and technology, etc.
- Contest entries are judged on the purpose, consistency, and quality of the collection, and the presentation of the essay and bibliography. The cost and rarity of collection items and the size of the collection are not criteria.
- The judges may ask to examine the collection, or a representative part of it, and/or wish to speak with contestants about their collection. For this reason, pseudonyms cannot be used in your submission.
- Collections do not need to be related to an applicant's career or educational interests.
- Prize amounts are subject to modification, and the judges reserve the right to divide the prize in other proportions or to award no prizes.
- The same collection cannot be submitted in the same year both to this competition and to the Philip Hofer Prize for Collecting Books or Art. However, different collections may be submitted for the two prizes in the same year, or the same collection may be entered for the other prize in a different year.
Past Winners
- First place: Ishaan Prasad ’23, Confessions of a Former Sheep Thief: Ten Years of Exploration in Typography
- Second place: William Lohier ’23, Words of Safety, Worlds of Survival: Literary Future Histories and Black Speculative Worldbuilding
- Third place: Simon Levien ’24, The Imagined Landscape: Collecting the Distortions of People and Place
- Third place: Birukti Tsige ’23, Black Magic: Magic in Young Adult African and African American Fiction
Learn more about the 2023 winners and their collections.
- First place: Elizabeth Propst ’23, How Much Am I Bid for the Moon? Collecting Poetry on the Cheap
- Second place: Daria Rose Evdokimova ’22, Ardis Publishers and the Immigrant Identity
- Third place: Mika Simoncelli ’23, A Portrait of My Practice and My Community
- Third place: Elijah Suh ’22, Dreams from My Father: Or, Blessed are Those Who Know Richard Nixon
- Third place: Jieyan Wang ’25, From Nü to Woman: Female Voices Across the Chinese and American Cultures
Learn more about the 2022 winners and their collections.
- First place: Devonne PItts ’21, Reading Plays to Write Plays: A Collection of Black Dramatic Writing
- Second place: Ruva Chigwedere ’21, Ubuntu: A Look at the Women Who Raised Me
- Third place: Nosa Lawani ’24, A Foreign Nostalgia: Collecting Greek and Latin Texts in the 21st Century
- Third place: Avril Saavedra ’21, Searching for Peri Rossi in the World
Learn more about the 2021 winners and their collections.
2020 Winners
- First place: Alan Tu ’23, Found in Translation: Contemporary World Fiction Revisited
- Second place: Daniel Sherman ’21, Unweeded: Guides to Villainous Vegetation
- Third place: Perry Arrasmith ’20, Paradise Sought and Collected: My Search for Hawai’i and Home
- Third place: Pranati Parikh ’21, Learning a Life: Interacting with the Hindu Guru on the Shelf and in Practice
Learn more about the 2020 winners and their collections.
2019 Winners
- First place ($3,000): Luke Kelly, PT-109: Courage Profiled and Collected
- Second place ($1,500): Richard Yarrow, History, Humor, and Hope: Books to Consider Jewish Identity in the West after 1945
- Third place ($750): Nick Colón, Prayer-Bees and Ethnographies: Books as a Ritual Symbol of the Liminal
2018 Winners
- First place ($3,000): Hanaa Masalmeh, Far From the Eyes, Far From the Heart: My Life as a Syrian-American Muslim
- Second place ($1,500): Alana Davitt, Lessons From “The School of Southern Degeneracy”: The Collection of a Student of Secrecy, Sentiment and the South
- Third place ($750): Gavin Moulton, Parthenopean Odyssey: A Personal Journey Through the Miraculous and Mundane in Neapolitan Churches
2017 Winners
- First place ($3,000): Xavier González, Books That Count: Books and DVDs Calculated to Inspire Children and Young Adults to Explore the Wonderful World of Mathematics
- Second place ($1,500): Christopher Colby, A Collection of the Classics and More; Unweeded
- Third place ($750): John Bourjaily, My Collection, or: How I Learned to Start Thinking and Fear the Bombers
- Third place ($750): Corey Husic, Humans and the Environment: Works that Drew Me Closer to Nature
- Third place ($750): Richard Yarrow, Observing the Fall of Democracy in the Twentieth Century
2016 Winners
- First place ($3,000): Luke Kelly, A Collection of Eugene Walter, King of the Monkeys
- Second place ($1,500): Meg Panetta, A Field Guide to Life: My Identity and the World of Plants
- Third place ($750): Alexander Farrow, Warfare: History, Theory, and Counterterrorism
- Third place ($750): Patrick Hogan, The Royal Road to Romance: A Journey Collecting Travel and Adventure Books
2015 Winners
- First place ($3,000): Eamon Corbett, Wilderness on the Page: My Field Guide Collection
- Second place ($1,500): William R. Dingee, My Five Hearts: Collecting the Major Poets of My Life
- Third place ($750): Anna Hagen, From the Stage to the Page
2014 Winners
- First place ($3,000): Wilder Wohns, Blank on My Map: Unraveling Asia’s Mystique
- Second place ($1,500): Debbie Onuoha, Novels, Poetry, Plays and Short Stories Written About Africa
- Third place ($750): Gillian Manley, My Collection of Canadian Novels or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love My Country
2013 Winners
- First place ($1,500): Catherine Katz, My Grandmother's Childhood Library: Collecting Early 20th Century
- Second place ($1,000): Allison Gofman, Tangible Flights of Imagination: Works of Science Fiction and Fantasy as Physical Objects
- Third place ($750): Victoria Baena, An Innocent Abroad: Tales of the Foreigner
2012 Winners
- First place ($1,500): William White, Designing, Developing, and Drawing: Architecture, Planning, and the City.
- Second place ($1,000): Caroline Weisman, Oscar Wilde: Down from a Pinnacle
- Third place ($750): Joanna Behrman, Why I believe in Fairy Tales
2011 Winners
- First place ($1,500): Peter Bernard, Flowers in a Mirror: Izumi Kyōka and his Contexts
- Second place ($1,000): Alexander Konrad, Roots in Conflict: Family History and America’s Military Tradition
- Third place ($750): Meghan Cleary, Woman and Her Body, Me and Mine and Samuel Milner, The Good Book Says, A Collection of Over Three Millennia of Jewish Culture, History and Thought
2010 Winners
- First place ($1,500): Charles Santiago Palau, Remembering the Pathways of Immigrant Identity: From Catalunya, to Mexico, to Los Angeles
- Second place ($1,000): Zoey Orol, Transatlantic Novels of the Long 19th Century
2009 Winners
- First place ($1,500): John Sheffield, ¿Nunca Más? The Ideology of State Terrorism in Argentina
- Second place ($1,000): Adam Singerman, The Modern Mayan Languages of Guatemala
- Third place ($750): Marykate Jasper, Robin Hood Revisited: A Collection of New Takes on an Old Outlaw
2008 Winners
- First place ($1,500): Gregory Scruggs, The Francophone Collection
- Second place ($1,000): Trisha Pasricha, Finding P.G. Wodehouse: Catalytic Legacies of My Grandfather's India
- Third place ($750): Ming Emily Vandenberg, Representative Works in Science and the History of Science
2007 Winner
- First place ($1,000): Robin Worth Reinert, Songs that Never Die: Community Songbooks in America
Reinert was also recognized in 2007 with an Honorable Mention in the international Fine Books & Collections Collegiate Book Collecting Championship for her entry American Songbooks.
2006 Winners
- First place ($1,000): Harrison Greenbaum, A Uniquely Portable Magic: A Collection of Treasures from the Conjuring Arts
- Second place ($750): Alexis Kusy, The Peculiar Collection
- Third place ($500): Michael Sanchez, Collecting the French Avant-Garde
2005 Winners
- First place ($1,000): Loren Bienvenu, Shining Through the Ashes: A Collection of Beat Literature
- First place ($1,000): Brian Distelberg, “An Interesting Trio of Writers”: Books By and About Edward Everett Tanner III
- Third place ($500): Kate Ward, Women’s Spaces and Social Safety: American Etiquette and Lifestyle Manuals, 1846 – Present
2004 Winners
- First place ($1,000): Matthew Gibson, Learning to Read Russia
- Second place ($750): Adrien Finlay, Untitled essay and bibliography exploring materials about opera
- Third place ($500): Amy Lee, Zines as Feminist Ephemera
2003 Winners
- First place ($1,000): Phoebe Kosman, ‘To Arlie’: An Intergenerational Collection of Early 20th Century Boys’ Books
- First place ($1,000): Roland Lamb, A Personal Encounter with Philosophy
- Third place ($500): Anna Harkey, Out of Thin Air: A Collection of Old Time Radio Books and Memorabilia
2002 Winners
- First place ($1,000): David M. Orenstein, Untitled essay and bibliography on China
- Second place ($750): Jura Pintar, Praxis Philosophy and Book Collecting Practi(s)e: From Marxians to Martians?
- Third place ($500): Susan Long, Untitled essay and bibliography on family-owned books
2001 Winners
- First place ($500): Max Hirsh, Untitled essay and bibliography on the Berlin transportation system
- Honorable Mention: Hourng Kaing, Unusual Females
2000 Winners
- First place ($500): David Timothy Horn, French Colonialism in the 1920s and 1930s
- Second place ($400): David Mihalyfy, Autographed Books
- Third place ($300): Shawn P. Saler, All I Needed to Know, I Learned from Comic Books: My Collection of Graphic Novels
2020's Winning Entry
Find out why Alan Tu loves literature in translation.