Records Management Services
Records Management Services, a department of Harvard University Archives, provides guidance to University staff, faculty, and administrators on how to understand their responsibilities for stewarding and managing their records.
The Harvard Corporation defines a University record as “recorded information regardless of physical characteristics, created, received, recorded, or legally filed in the course of University business.”
Harvard's records—one of the University's most valuable assets—serve as evidence of the University’s organization, functions, policies, decisions, procedures, operations, and other activities.
The Harvard University Archives is charged with the responsibility of ensuring “the prudent maintenance and efficient disposition of University records, consistent with sound archival standards, budgetary considerations, and legal obligations.”
University Records Guidance
The University's records policies are designed to ensure that University records are retained for as long as is necessary. When records are no longer needed, the policies provide guidance on how and when to transfer records to the University Archives or arrange to have them destroyed.
Included below are quick links to records guidance and Records Management forms.
Managing Your Records
- Email Management Guide (PDF)
- E-Records Guidance (PDF)
- Faculty Files Guidance (PDF)
- Managing the Records of Departing Employees (PDF)
- PDF/A Instructions (PDF)
- Remote Work Records Guidance (PDF)
- Scanning Project Decision Tree (PDF)
- Tips for Office Clean Ups and Moves (PDF)
- Using E-sign to Complete RMS Forms (PDF)
- Using the General Records Schedule (
Storing Records Offsite
Get Started/Set Up an Account
- New Records Center Account Request Form
- New Records Center Signature Sheet (PDF)
- Records Center Checklist (PDF)
- Storing Records at the Harvard Depository
- Tips for Managing a Records Center Account (PDF)
- Using E-Sign to Complete RMS Forms (PDF)
Request/Update Account Information
Deposit Records in an Offsite Storage Account
- Deposit Box Folder List (excel)
- Empty box and Barcode Request Form
- New Deposit to Offsite Storage Account Request Form
Request Records To/From Your Account
Records Management Services offers workshops on popular records management topics. The workshops deliver practical advice that can be implemented in your office and are appropriate for all University employees. Workshops are open to employees from offices and departments in Central Administration, the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, and Graduate Schools in Cambridge.
Workshops are generally offered via Zoom in the spring, summer, and fall. If you are interested in the next round of workshops, please fill out this form to be notified when registration is available.
Please note that local records management services are provided at HMS/HSDM/ChanSPH and HBS and training sessions offered for departments and offices are located at these schools. For HMS/HSDM/ChanSPH, please contact the Archives and Records Management Program at Countway Library. For HBS, contact HBS Archives Program.
Trash or Treasure: Guidance on Retaining Your Office Records
Objective: Have you ever wondered, "How long do I need to keep my office records? Can I throw them away when I am done with them?" This workshop provides tools and advice to help you determine how long to keep your records and what to do when you no longer need to hold onto them. Whether you feel like you’re drowning in information or you're concerned that you're keeping records too long or not long enough, this workshop is for you.
Length: 1 ½ hours
Who should attend: All employees who want to effectively manage their office's administrative or program records.
What you will learn:
- What the resources are to help determine how long to keep your office records
- What to do with records when they are no longer needed by your office
- How to use Harvard's guide for records commonly found across the University
Out of Sight: Off-site Records Storage
Objective: This workshop will present the step-by-step process of sending records to off-site storage at the Harvard Depository. We cover everything from how to pack a box to how to complete the deposit paperwork.
Length: 1 ½ hours
Who should attend: Employees who have not yet sent records to storage as well as anyone in charge of packing and depositing boxes who would like a refresher course.
What you will learn
- How to identify records eligible for storage
- How to pack and label boxes correctly
- How to complete the paperwork and expedite your deposit
- How to recall records back to your office
Note: You should be familiar with the General Records Schedule (GRS) and how to apply it to your records before taking this class. If you have not used the GRS, register for our Trash or Treasure workshop.
Email Management & Retention
Objective: This workshop will introduce methods for gaining control of email and managing it according to Harvard records policies as well as provide tips on how to organize your email.
Length: 1 ½ hours
Who should attend: All employees who want to effectively manage their email.
What you will learn
- Methods of controlling email
- The application of the General Records Schedule to email
- Examples of types of email with their appropriate retentions
Note: You should be familiar with the General Records Schedule (GRS) and how to apply it to your records before taking this class. If you have not used the GRS, register for our Trash or Treasure workshop.
How to Contact Records Management Services
The Harvard University Archives is the primary repository for Harvard's institutional records. Records Management Services at the University Archives serves Central Administration, Harvard College, the graduate and professional schools (other than those listed separately), research centers and institutes, and affiliated Harvard entities.
The University Archives' Records Management Services staff work in partnership with other archives and records management programs:
- HBS Archives and Records Management Program at Baker Library Historical Collections serves the Harvard Business School.
- The Archives and Records Management Program in the Center for the History of Medicine, Countway Library, serves the Harvard Medical School, Harvard School of Dental Medicine, and the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health.